The Aelia plugins implement a mechanism to ensure that all their requirements are satisfied, before they can run. If some requirements are not met, the plugins will show a message with a list indicating what is missing, and how the issue could be fixed. You can see some examples of such message below.

Example 1 - The Aelia Currency Switcher is informing the Administrator that the Aelia Foundation Classes plugin is disabled

Example 2 - The Bundles Integration for the Aelia Currency Switcher is informing the Administrator that some plugins are missing, and that the installed PHP version is too old

Are those messages errors?

The notifications about missing requirements are not errors, but notifications displayed to prevent errors. The plugins that show them are informing you that they cannot run properly in your environment, and that they won't do anything until the requirements are met.

How to remove the messages

To remove the messages, you will simply have to rectify the missing requirements. Here are the type of messages that you could see, together with the solution.

  • Plugin requires PHP X.Y or newer
    This message indicates that the PHP version installed on your site is too old for the plugin to work correctly.

    Configure your site to use a newer version, or ask your hosting provider to do so for you.

    It's possible to have multiple PHP versions on a single server and run different sites with different PHP versions. If the "main" version installed on your server seems to be the correct one, but you still get the message, then the specific site on which you installed the plugin is using an older version. In such case, simply contact your hosting provider, and ask them to configure your site to use a newer PHP version.
  • Plugin "X" must be installed and activated
    This message indicates that a required plugin is not installed, or it's not the correct version.

    In some cases, the message will show you an "Activate" or "Install" button. By using those buttons, you can install the required plugins automatically. If that button is not available, the message should show you information on where to find the required plugins. Simply follow the instructions in the message, then install the required plugin version.
  • Plugin requires "X" PHP extension
    Some plugins require specific PHP extension to work correctly. When the required extensions are not found, the plugin will stop loading to prevent errors.

    • If you are running a VPS, or dedicated server, and you have some server administration experience, you can download and install the extensions yourself. Here is a guide from DigitalOcean, explaining how to install the CURL extension: DigitalOcean - cURL is NOT installed in your PHP installation? You can follow the same logic to install other extensions, as needed.
    • If you are on a shared hosting, where you cannot download and install libraries as you like, or you don't have enough experience to install an extension yourself, you can contact your hosting provider and they will be able to install and configure it for you.

Still have questions?

Should you need assistance in addressing any missing requirements, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to guide you.

You can purchase the Aelia solutions from our online shop.