
This article refers to the Currency Switcher for Easy Digital Downloads. That plugin was retired in 2021 and it's no longer available for purchase. If you're looking for the documentation for the Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce, please refer to the following article:

There are two ways to display the Currency Selector widget.

Using a Widget Area

The widget can be dragged and dropped like any standard WordPress widget. Simply go to WordPress Admin > Widgets and drag the widget to the area of your choice.

Calling the shortcode

If you want to display the widget somewhere outside a widget area, you can do so by simply calling the appropriate shortcode, as in the example below:

[aelia_currency_selector_widget title="Widget title (optional)" widget_type="dropdown|buttons"]

The shortcode accepts the following parameters:

  • title
    The widget title (optional)
  • widget_type
    The widget type. The Currency Switcher supports either dropdown or buttons. Further types can be added by implementing a filter in your theme for edd_aelia_cs_currency_selector_widget_types hook. If this parameter is not specified, dropdown widget type will be rendered by default.

How to use the shortcode via PHP

If you would like to call the shortcode from your template's code, you can use WordPress' do_shortcode() function, like in the following example:

// Display the widget with currencies in a dropdown list
echo do_shortcode('[aelia_currency_selector_widget title="My widget title" widget_type="dropdown"]');

// Display the widget with currencies as buttons
echo do_shortcode('[aelia_currency_selector_widget title="My widget title" widget_type="buttons"]');


For more information about using shortcodes vua PHP, please refer to WordPress Codex. Function Reference/do shortcode/.

You can purchase the Currency Switcher from our online shop.